After long years of lack of freedom, Pilsen celebrated the forty-fifth anniversary of its liberation in 1990 with the participation of the President Václav Havel and the American Ambassador Shirley Temple Black. The city of Pilsen with the living history clubs maintain the tradition of celebrating the liberation by the American army, that is why the first days of May belong to the Liberation Festival. Visitors from all over the world come every year to celebrate freedom together with the townspeople, American veterans, and their family members. A traditional part of the celebrations are commemorative acts at the monuments of the US Army units that took part in the liberation of the city, a unique parade of historical military vehicles Convoy of Liberty and presentations of living history clubs, with interesting interpretation of history with period military equipment and activities .
The Liberation Festival is an unforgettable experience with their excunique atmosphere remembering the contribution of the American army to the liberation of Europe.
We are now preparing the program of the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the liberation. From the program:
Friday May 2
Commemorative acts at the 2nd Infantry Division memorial, 16th Armored Division memorial and the Memorial dedicated to Czechoslovaks who fought on the western front.
Annual ride of the founders of the Convoy of liberty through the city center and concerts of the country folk Gross Cop and Taxmeni in the Republic square
Fly past of historic planes over the city center
Living history reenactment camps with the everyday life of soldiers and vehicles in the city center (behind the Plaza shopping mall, Na Poříčí park area and in front of the Patton Memorial Pilsen museum)
The display of the Army of Czech republic and of the US Army (shooting range Lobzy)
Czech television cinema – documentary films and mores on WWII and liberation of western Bohemia
Music stages
Republic square: The Pilsen Philharmonic orchestra and Vojtěch Dyk concert, Michal Caban show From Normandy to Pilsen
Folk & country stage: Wenda Gang, Spolucestující, Crimson fields, Poutníci, ½ Rebel
Libé rty stage of the Memory of nations: Kvartet Plamenomet, Ida The Young, The Prostitutes
40´s stage Proluka: swing dancing hall and Pilsner Jazz Band
Saturday May 3
Holy mass at the Saint Bartholomew cathedral
Living history reenactment camps with the everyday life of soldiers and vehicles in the city center (behind the Plaza shopping mall, Na Poříčí park area and in front of the Patton Memorial Pilsen museum)
The display of the Army of Czech republic and of the US Army (shooting range Lobzy)
Fly past of historic planes over the city center
Czech television cinema – documentary films and mores on WWII and liberation of western Bohemia
Freedom Americas at DEPO2015: meeting of American post war cars
Run for the Memory of nations
Beats for Liberty – DJ show Náplavka
Music stages
Republic square: The Tap Tap, Circus Brothers, November 2, Vanua2, Igor Orozovič & Co., Anna K.
Folk & country stage: 9th Illinois string, SoVS, Košík Band, Zakkis trio, Paheyl, Devítka, Forehand, Geronimo
Libé rty stage of the Memory of nations: Nora, Skotační kulomet, Poly Noir, The Rocket Dogz
40´s stage Proluka: Mladina, Paper Moon Trio (SVK), Sestryloly, Swing Field Unit (GER)
Life style zone: 40´s styling for ladies and girls
Track for kids on the theme of the book by Tereza Marianová Allies
Sunday May 4
Convoy of Liberty – unique parade of more than 350 period vehicles
Living history reenactment camps with the everyday life of soldiers and vehicles in the city center (behind the Plaza shopping mall, Na Poříčí park area and in front of the Patton Memorial Pilsen museum)
Fly past of historic planes over the city center
Czech television cinema – documentary films and mores on WWII and liberation of western Bohemia and the preview of the movie Free Pilsen speaking
Music stages
Republic square: arrival of convoy, Rock Band „Touch n´Go“ with Horns (USA), Jan Smigmator & Band (CZ) feat. Jumaane Smith (USA), Tremolo orchestra & Václav Noid Bárta
Folk & country stage: Na starý kolena Band, Pavlína Jíšová – Baba Band, Ivan Hlas Trio, Jaroslav Samson Lenk
40´s stage Proluka: Champagne Lovers
Monday May 5
Commemorative ceremony at the Memorial for the fighters and victims of the world wars, at the Memorial to the fallen members of the Western Bohemia aero club in the WWII and at the Memorial of fallen citizens of Pilsen in the May 1945 uprising.
The Day with the Czech broadcasting Pilsen:
Reconstruction of the first live broadcasting the Czechoslovak radio Pilsen at Obcizna (seclusion of the rivers Mže and Radbuza)
Republic square stage:: Melody Makers, Czech radio broadcasting bigband and Dan Bárta
The Day with the Czech broadcasting Pilsen:
Reconstruction of the first live broadcast of Czechoslovak Radio Plzeň from Obcizna (confluence of Mže and Radbuza)
Stage at náměstí Republiky: Melody Makers, Czech Radio Bigband and Dan Bárta
Tuesday May 6
Main commemorative act at the Thank you, America! memorial
We are looking forward to seeing you in Pilsen!
Oslavy v kraji
Dolní Lukavice
80. výročí oslav osvobození Dolních Lukavic
Bělá nad Radbuzou, Rosendorf, Hostouň
Operace Cowboy – záchrana stáda 650 vzácných koní (např. Lipizánů) v Hostouni
Pietní akt na počest památky Virgila P. Kirkhama, který byl jako poslední americký stíhací pilot sestřelen před 80 lety nad Evropou.
Pietní akt na počest sedmi příslušníků americké 90. pěší divize
80. výročí oslav Tachova
Bojová ukázka z konce 2. světové války na náměstí
80. výročí oslav Kdyně
Oslavy 80. výročí osvobození Krs
Starý Plzenec
Oslavy 80. výročí osvobození Starého Plzence
Oslavy osvobození u sochy generála Pattona
Osvobození města 97. pěší a 16. obrněnou divizí
80. výročí osvobození Domažlic 2. pěší divizí
Oslavy 8O. výročí osvobození Kasejovic
Pietní akt u pomníku Pfc. Roberta L. Iflanda
Pietní akt u pomníku Československé samostatné obrněné brigády
Odhalení pomníku posledního sestřelu německých stíhaček za 2. světové války – pomník věnovaný generálovi Stanleymu F. H. Newmanovi
Celodenní program s dynamickými ukázkami v Muzeu na demarkační linii