Today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Lt. Col. Virgil Paul Kirkham, the last American airman to die during the war in Europe. Today we remembered him by laying flowers at the crashsite at Zadní hora.

Virgil´s niece Marilyn Kirham sent a letter to us where she even mentions”…This is our week of the Thanksgiving holiday and truly a special time to set aside for giving Thanks. Czech Republic and “our people” there are in our hearts and minds as we give thanks this special week…”

Born in Troutdale, Oregon, Virgil was a member of the 377th Fighter Squadron, 362nd Fighter group, 9th Air Force.

On April 30, 1945, he was preparing for his eightieth mission, which led over the forests near Domažlice. A three-man swarm led by Virgil P. Kirkham discovered German cars on the road between Trhanov and Klenčí pod Čerchov.

“I found several cars on a narrow road that was well covered with trees. We opened fire when 1/Lt Kirkham caught the top of a tree with his left wing during a low pass. The lead aircraft suddenly rolled over and crashed into a nearby hill at full speed,” said Virgil’s colleague 2/Lt Holland. The fighter crashed into the wooded slope of the Draženovská mountain, which lies north of Trhanov.

As stated by the so-called Missing Air Crew Report, “Lieutenant Kirkham was hit while firing on a ground target”. This version is also confirmed by the still preserved armor plate that protected the pilot’s seat against fire from behind. The headrest is pierced by a projectile, perhaps fired from the area of ​​the nearby railway station, from where the enemy fired back at the time of the attack.

Virgil Kirkham died in his planen named Lady Jo-Ann II.

He is buried at the Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial in Saint-Avold.

Lest we forget!